Biomedical: Surgical Planning


This research is done in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Ulrich Stock from the Eberhard-Karls-Universitätklinikum Tübingen.

Modelling of certain key dangers associated with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) surgery is an active research topic at our institute, i.e. cross-clamping and cannular flow. But once these dangers are identified, how can they be avoided or reduced to achieve the optimal neuroprotective surgical strategy for the patient?

Life-threatening adverse consequences associated with CPB originates either from patient, procedural or equipment related factors, or a combination of these factors. By modelling this complex interplay, we aim at improving surgical planning by providing insight into the mechanical consequences of certain interventions, thereby:

  • Identifying patient-specific and general risk areas, as well as understanding the influence of a surgical intervention in relation to these risk areas;
  • Recommending and facilitating safer surgical procedure planning and protocol subsequent to the above findings;
  • Design instrumentation for increased neuro- and systemic-protection based on this improved understanding.