FTF 2024 - September 11-12 in Ohlstadt, Bavaria

All About Blanking

We are proud to announce the 15th FTF – Forming Technology Forum. This edition of the FTF runs under the motto „All About Blanking“. The main goal is to gather scientific as well as industrial perspectives on this widely used process to get the best out of it.

Examples for interesting research topics:

  • Thermal investigations: What influence does the extreme thermal load and gradient have while shear cutting?
  • Thermoelectricity: How does the thermoelectricity between tool and workpiece influence the process?
  • High speed stamping: How can the technology of high speed shear-cutting be used to improve the process?
  • Workpiece quality and processdata: How to gain more processunderstanding and increase workpiece quality (e.g. with big data and AI)?

This year for the second time the FTF will also host a poster session. Students and PhD-candidates are invited to present their research work within a speed dating session. The best poster will be awarded as the winner of the 2nd AutoForm FTF Poster Award.